Today we are going to focus on the capital of this beautiful island, Palma de Mallorca. We will take a tour of recommended places to make your holidays in Mallorca full of unforgettable moments. Would you like to try a restaurant that is 100% committed to local produce?
The real luxury lies in nourishing and taking care of yourself, with small gestures and habits that fortify the soul. When you bet on your wellbeing, and that of your loved ones, your life is full of positive options.
Nowadays, technological advances in the field of food mean that we have within our reach a large number of fruits and vegetables outside their natural season. We have become so accustomed to this that we overlook the importance of eating seasonal foods, those that have been grown and harvested exactly when the climate is most suitable for each type of produce. However, choosing dishes prepared with seasonal foods has many advantages, something that, as customers, we will see at the fantastic Celler Pagés.
It is in the heart of Palma's Lonja, very close to your Palladium Hotel. They offer traditional Mallorcan cuisine, seasonal, typical and homemade, the cuisine of always. They offer family recipes always improved with a touch of modernity. They stand out for their absolutely professional and attentive service, which will take care of every detail.
If you choose restaurants where seasonal fruit, vegetables and pulses are used, you are assured of consuming food that has grown respecting the cycles of nature, something that is reflected in many aspects. And today, on the occasion of this very special restaurant, we are going to tell you about it:
Natural seasonal food gives you genuine flavours, textures and aromas, which are lost when crops are forced or harvested prematurely. The more fresh produce you put into your diet, the less you will use processed foods, which have lost much of their nutrients. This is something we sometimes try to mimic or reinforce through salt, fats and chemical additives.
When seasonal produce grows and develops, it does so in the climate that is most suitable for it, without having to be stored in chambers for long periods of time for transport. In this way they fulfil their natural cycle, so that when the day comes to harvest them, they conserve their nutritional properties better.
Nowadays we can find almost everything, all year round, but for this to be the case they have to be imported from distant areas or countries. This makes transport more expensive and sometimes means that they are harvested when they are still unripe. It is always best to choose produce from farmers in the area where you live.
If your plate gets vegetables and fruit that are not organically grown, they are likely to contain chemical residues from fertilisers and disinfectants. Because the use of these artificial pesticides is necessary when growing vegetables and fruit out of season.
By choosing dishes made from seasonal produce, you ensure that less energy is wasted in developing them. Because, as you know, transport, distribution and storage leave their ecological footprint on the planet, so we minimise it. By respecting the natural cycles of plants for sowing, growing and harvesting, natural crop rotation can be encouraged and the soil is less impoverished.
At Celler Pagés they are committed to seasonal products, and these are some of the reasons why. Its typical Mallorcan dishes of excellent quality are sure to make you come back more than once.
Make your reservation through the website or ask our staff during your stay at the Palladium Palma hotel.
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